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Gratitude: Recognizing, Appreciating and Repaying Kindness

Realization of the Truth of Impermanence

Pear tree blossoms paint the pear tree white

Blossoms fill the garden white as snow

Snowflake petals fall to the ground

Now the garden is green once more

Realization of the Truth of Emptiness 

Pear tree blossoms paint the pear tree white

Blossoms fill the garden white as snow

Snowflake petals fall to the ground

Now the garden is green once more.

The myriad things in nature all will cease,

Only true emptiness will not perish. 

Realization of Distinctive Middle Way Reality  

Pear tree blossoms paint the pear tree white

Blossoms fill the garden white as snow

Snowflake petals fall to the ground

Now the garden is green once more.

Green and white are forms of duality.

Avoid the extremes to transcend birth and death.

Realization of Middle Way Reality 

Pear tree blossoms paint the pear tree white

Blossoms fill the garden white as snow

Snowflake petals fall to the ground

Now the garden is green once more.

Green and white both reveal the true nature,

Spring winds fill the garden with Chan joy.  

Great Dharma Chan Monastery

(303) 499-2852

6417 South Boulder Road

Boulder, CO 80303


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